When we protect public lands, Arizona wins.
Protected federal public lands are crucial to the viability and growth of Arizona's outdoor recreation economy and our state's outdoor heritage.
2020 Conservation in the West poll
Most Western voters say a lack of funds to properly maintain and protect national parks, forests, and other public lands is a serious problem.
Grand Canyon Trust - Uranium Mining Report
Is mining uranium in the Grand Canyon region really an issue of economic security? The data suggest otherwise. Outdoor recreation and tourism are the economic engines of the Grand Canyon region. Learn more at the Grand Canyon Trust’s website, here, or check out our factsheet.
Economic Impact of Outdoor Recreation – Arizona:
Outdoor recreation is among Arizona’s largest economic sectors.
Outdoor Industry Association Report
RVing & the Outdoor Economy
RVing is one of the largest contributors to Arizona’s outdoor recreation economy, study finds.
Road to Outdoor Economy Recovery
New challenges and opportunities and impacts on economy job growth, business needs for labor and trade and investments in public lands and waters.
Slidedeck | Infographic | PDF
2020 Engagement With Parks Report
Each June since 2016, the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Research team has surveyed 1,000 U.S. adults to better understand how people connect with parks and recreation; the results of these surveys are the basis for the annual Engagement with Parks Report. This report provides park and recreation professionals and advocates, policymakers and other key stakeholders with insights about the impact that local parks and recreation facilities have on the lives of every person in our nation.
Outdoor Recreation State Scorecard
As Western communities strive to develop sustainable, diverse economies, outdoor recreation offers a promising path to prosperity.
William Perry Pendley Is Bad For Business
Arizona’s outdoor businesses are suffering under Bureau of Land Management Acting Director Pendley - right when they need the support more than ever.
Public Policy Polling survey:
Arizonans overwhelmingly support Land & Water Conservation Fund.
LWCF – Arizona Factsheet:
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has provided funding to help protect some of Arizona’s most special places and ensure recreational access for hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities. Learn more by reading the LWCF Coalition’s factsheet on its contributions to Arizona, here, or read our GO AZ factsheet, here.
Audubon Waterways Report
Outdoor Recreation Along Arizona’s Waterways is a $13.5 Billion Industry, Ranked Higher than Golf and Mining, New Report Says
The Outdoor Recreation Economy
As Western communities strive to develop sustainable, diverse economies, outdoor recreation offers a promising path to prosperity.