GO AZ works to amplify the voice of Arizona’s outdoor industry around campaigns and causes vital to the health and sustainability of wildlife and public lands. We support:

  • Programs like the Land and Water Conservation Fund and Arizona Heritage Fund that get people outdoors

  • Access to public lands for all types of outdoor recreation that our customers enjoy

  • Protection of our unique places, with legislation like the Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act

Download the GO AZ Charter Document


Outdoor Recreation is a Powerful Economic Engine

In Arizona, the economic benefits of outdoor recreation support high-quality jobs, contribute billions to the state economy and ensure businesses and communities across the state thrive.

$21.2 Billion in Consumer Spending

$21.2 Billion in Consumer Spending

201,000 Jobs

201,000 Jobs

$5.7 Billion in Wages and Salaries

$5.7 Billion in Wages and Salaries

$1.4 Billion in Local and State Tax Revenue

$1.4 Billion in Local and State Tax Revenue

Source: Outdoor Industry Association 


Our Conservation Partners


AWF is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating, inspiring, and assisting individuals and organizations to value, conserve, enhance, manage, and protect wildlife and wildlife habitat. The AWF is a statewide association of people interested in the present and future well-being of Arizona’s wildlife, wildlife habitat and natural systems. We believe our wildlife heritage should not be jeopardized by any activity that fails to ensure its long-term health and sustainability.


Trout Unlimited believes in bringing all parties to the table to find proactive solutions that meet the challenges facing coldwater fisheries. We work to protect important habitat, reconnect degraded waterways and restore trout populations. The best conservation work comes from true partnerships between landowners, agencies, non-profits, municipalities and other stakeholders.

The Arizona National Scenic Trail is a complete non-motorized path, stretching 800 diverse miles across Arizona from Mexico to Utah. It links deserts, mountains, canyons, forests, communities and people. The Arizona Trail Association’s mission is to protect, maintain, enhance, promote and sustain the Arizona Trail as a unique encounter with the land.