Get Outdoors Arizona and Arizona Wildlife Federation place billboards in Phoenix
Get Outdoors Arizona recently partnered with Arizona Wildlife Federation to place a billboard thanking Governor Katie Hobbs for championing investments in Arizona’s outdoor recreation economy.
Governor Hobbs’ 2023 budget, as passed by the state legislature, contains major investments in Arizona’s public lands:
$6 million for the State Parks Heritage Fund
$500,000 for Arizona Trails
$5.2 million for the State Lake Improvement Fund
$7 million for Verde River Headwaters State Park
These investments will support our state’s growing outdoor economy, an industry that provides significant economic benefits for rural gateway* communities and our major cities alike.
Outdoor recreation added $9.8 billion to Arizona’s economy in 2021 and generated more than 100,000 jobs (3.3% of the state’s employment – more than the state’s defense, aerospace, and tech sectors combined). Research shows state parks alone, like those reliant on the funds Governor Hobbs invested in, contributed $272 million to Arizona’s Gross State Product per year.
We thank Governor Hobbs for her support of outdoor recreation as a powerful economic engine and for stewarding taxpayer dollars for sustainable local economic growth.
The billboards are in Phoenix at Indian School Rd & 22nd St, as well as 19th Ave. They are running August 7th - September 03, 2023.
*Gateway communities are cities or towns that lie just outside major tourist attractions such as national parks, wilderness areas, or nature resort areas.